Monday, December 9, 2019


‘An apt quotation is like a lamp which flings its light over the whole sentence’.  

Health is wealth  
v  Health is the greatest wealth. 
v  The health is the real wealth, and not the pieces of gold and silver. v Take care of your body, its only place you have to live. 
v  Don’t spend all your health in search of wealth. v The health is the wealth of wealth. 
v  To get rich never risk your health.  
v  Health is the greatest gift, contentment the greatest wealth, faithfulness the best relationship. 
v  Good health is true wealth. 
Road safety  
v  Little care can make accidents rare. 
v  Wait for the red, don’t end up dead. 
v  Headlights can be replaced, but can’t be. v Start early, drive slowly, reach safely. 
v  Speed thrills but kills. 
v  A little care can make an accident rare. 
v  Wear helmet or the hell will be met. 
v  To avoid death wear the seat belts. 
v  Accident brings tears safety brings cheers. 
v  Safety doesn’t happen by accident. 
v  Don’t drink and drive. 
v  The science of today is technology of tomorrow. 
v  Technology is a useful servant but a dangerous master. 
v  Technology can’t be replaced by the great teachers. 
v  The great growling engine of change-TECHNOLOGY. 
v  Technology should improve your life not become your life. 
v  Technology like art is the soaring exercise of human imagination.  v Technology is the best when it brings people together. 
v  Technology was invented by men , it can’t be replaced by human intelligence. 
v  Science is the way of thinking much more than it is a body of  knowledge. 
v  Science is the poetry of reality 
v  Science never solves a problem without creating ten. 
v  Science is the beautiful gift of humanity, we shouldn’t  distort it. v Science is simply common sense at its best. 
v  Science is the key to our future , and if you don’t believe in science your holding everybody back.  v Science is but an image of truth. 
v  The whole of science is nothing more than a refinement of everyday thinking.   
Child labour  
v  A Happy Child Is A Nation’s Pride 
v  Show a child love and care, child labour is just not fair. 
v  A life of little ones are destroyed, when child labour  is employed. 
v  There is no excuse, there is no reason, child labour is a abuse. v A child is meant to learn not to earn. 
v  Don’t ask children to take a tool, instead send them to school. 
v  Make our future bright, shape our future right, stop child labour. 
v  These children should be heard and seen, to have them working is absurd. v A child should hold a pen in his hands not a tool. 
v  Don’t be wild, don’t force work on child. v A child’s only working should be school.  v One child, one teacher, one book, can change the world. 
v  Travelling is a better teacher than books . 
v  Travel around collect memories not   thongs. 
v  Travelling is the greatest addiction. 
v  Travel brings power and love back to our life. 
v  Travel is the only thing you buy which makes you richer. 
v  Of all the books in the world the best stories are found in between the pages of a passport. 
v  You don’t need magic to disappear, all you need is a destination. v We travel not to escape life, but life not to escape us. 
v  The best education I have got is from travel. 
v  We wander for distraction, but we travel for fulfillment. 
v  We won’t have a society if we destroy the environment. v The environment is everything that isn’t me. 
v  At least don’t ruin the life of the tress on which we are depended. 
v  The earth doesn’t belong to us, we belong to the earth.  v Better environment, better tomorrow. 
v  If you want to live for few more years start doing it today, save the environment. 
v  Don’t destroy the environment, today or tomorrow it will destroy you. v Go green, there is no planet B. 
v  You have decide the future should green or not at all. 
v  Go green to keep it clean. 
v  Be a part of solution, not pollution. 
v  Pollution is incurable disease, it can only be prevented. 
v  Be fair don’t pollute the air. 
v  Stopping pollution is the best solution. 
v  If you don’t kill, it will kill you. 
v  Don’t let our future grow in smoke. 
v  Pollution should never be the price of prosperity. 
v  Cars don’t cause pollution, trees do. 
v  We live in this planet as if we have another one to go to. 
v  You aint gonna miss you water until the water in wells dry up. 
v  Education is most powerful weapon with which you can change the world. 
v  The future of the world is in my class room today. 
v  Education is the passport for future. 
v  The root of education is bitter but the fruits are sweet.  v Education is not preparation of life, its life itself. 
v  Children must be taught how to think not what to think. v It doesn’t matter how long you go , till you achieve it never stop.  v Education never ends. 

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